In this gripping urban drama, director Peter Pontikis masterfully explores the delicate balance between friendship and self-preservation. Set against the backdrop of a challenging suburban environment, the film follows a young protagonist whose life takes an unexpected turn when loyalty to a friend threatens to alter his destiny forever.

The film has garnered significant recognition across the international festival circuit, particularly resonating with youth audiences and industry professionals alike. Its authentic portrayal of contemporary youth issues has earned multiple prestigious awards, including the Buster's Youth Jury Award and Audience Award for Best Film at the Buster International Children's Film Festival. The production also received multiple honors at BUFF International Film Festival, including Best Nordic Young Actor for breakthrough talent Tomas Samir, and was awarded Best Feature-Length Film at Tromsø International Film Festival Junior. Additional recognition came through nominations at the Norwegian International Film Festival and Santa Barbara International Film Festival.

Written and directed by Peter Pontikis, and produced by Patrick Sobieski, this film represents our commitment to nurturing exceptional talent and supporting compelling storytelling. While maintaining our commercial focus, we recognize the importance of developing projects that push creative boundaries and resonate with diverse audiences.

The film has been celebrated for its raw and authentic portrayal of youth culture, featuring an outstanding performance by rising star Tomas Samir. Critics have praised Pontikis's skilled direction that seamlessly balances social commentary with engaging storytelling. The universal themes speak to both young audiences and adults, while offering a fresh perspective on contemporary social issues.

While crafted with artistic integrity, the film demonstrates strong commercial appeal through its engaging narrative that connects with broad audiences. The extensive festival success indicates strong market potential, while its timely themes resonate deeply with current social discussions. The strong word-of-mouth potential, as evidenced by festival audience awards, combined with its appeal to the valuable youth demographic while maintaining adult crossover appeal, positions this film well in the marketplace.

This production exemplifies our company's ability to identify and support projects that balance artistic merit with commercial viability, furthering our reputation as a versatile and forward-thinking production company.

The film's festival success spans multiple prestigious events, garnering recognition at major international festivals including wins at Buster International Children's Film Festival, BUFF International Film Festival, and Tromsø International Film Festival Junior, alongside nominations at the Norwegian International Film Festival, Santa Barbara International Film Festival, and Zlín International Film Festival for Children and Youth.

Director & Writer: Peter Pontikis
Producer: Patrick Sobieski